Wake Up Time

Select the time you want to wake up.


You Should Go To Bed At:

9:15 pm

This gives you 9 hours of sleep and 6 sleep cycles.

10:45 pm

This gives you 7.5 hours of sleep and 5 sleep cycles.

12:15 am

This gives you 6 hours of sleep and 4 sleep cycles.

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

According to recommendations from a panel of experts commissioned by the National Sleep Foundation, most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night. People 65 and older should get 7-8 hours. Babies, toddlers and teens need more sleep than adults. Recommendations for their complete daily sleep, including sleep, are listed in the following table by age group. # Age Range Recommended Everyday Sleep.

# Newborns months 0–3 months 14-17 hours.

# Infants 4–11 months 12-15 hours.

# Toddlers 1-2 years from 11–14 hours.

# Kindergarten schools 3-5 years 10-13 hours

# School age 6-13 years 9–11 hours.

Teens aged 14-17 8-10 hours. Sleep recommendations give an overview of how much sleep most people need, but the right amount of sleep a person should get depends on other factors, such as their whole life. The doctor is in the best position to make a detailed sleep recommendation for any person based on his or her unique condition.

Why Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for almost every body system. Getting enough sleep each night allows your mind and body to absorb the benefits of sleep and avoid the effects of sleep deprivation.

What Happens At Bedtime?

From an external point of view, all sleep may look the same, but in reality, it involves complex processes with four distinct phases that make up the sleep cycle. On a typical night, you go around all four stages of sleep in a row. The first three phases of the sleep cycle are collectively referred to as sleep apnea (NREM) sleep. Stages 1 and 2 are easy sleep, body and mind begin to relax and move slowly. Stage 3 deep sleep, which is believed to be essential for physical and mental recovery. The fourth stage of sleep is rapid eye movement (REM). At this stage, most of your body is temporarily paralyzed, but brain activity increases dramatically and your eyes move faster behind closed bottles. Extreme nightmare occurs during REM sleep, which enables memory and complex thinking when you are awake. In the first night cycles, most of the time is spent on NREM sleep. In recent sleep cycles, we get more REM sleep. Researchers believe that the combination of NREM and REM during the night helps you to wake up physically and mentally. If you do not get enough sleep, you are not progressing well with these sleep cycles. Without the proper balance of NREM and REM, you will not get everything else you need, which can lead to broader outcomes for your health and well-being.

Side Effects

The effects of sleep deprivation can be felt in the short and long term, and they also have implications for physical, emotional, and mental health. Soon after a bad night’s sleep, you may have lost energy during the day. You may have excessive sleep during the day making it difficult to concentrate. You may fall asleep unexpectedly, which can be especially dangerous if you are driving. Even if you don’t actually sleep, your response time increases, which can increase the risk of accidents. Insomnia is associated with irritability and emotional problems. It can undermine your thinking by expanding your memory, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. As a result, you may suffer from lower academic success or decreased productivity. Insomnia can also impair immune function and disrupt your immune system, putting you at higher risk of infection. In the long run, lack of sleep has been linked to a variety of health problems, including weight gain and obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other heart problems, depression and anxiety, pain, and hormonal abnormalities. Studies have repeatedly found that sleep deprivation is linked to reduced quality and quality of life.

How to Improve Sleep and Sleep Hygiene

Improving sleep hygiene is a straightforward way to make it easier for you to get the sleep you need every night. Improving sleep hygiene means reviving your habits and habits and your sleeping environment. Having a consistent schedule with enough time allocated for sleep is an important part of sleep hygiene, and a sleep calculator can help you start bedtime and wake-up time that ensures you set aside enough sleep time. Your goal should be to maintain this schedule every day, even on weekends or holidays. In addition to a good sleep plan, some tips to help you get enough sleep include:

Having a relaxation routine to get ready for bed.

Avoid caffeine and other stimulants in the afternoon and evening.

Reduce alcohol consumption, especially in the hours before bedtime.

Discharge electronic devices, including cell phones and tablets, at least 30 minutes before bedtime

Finding time to exercise or to exercise during the day.

Strive for exposure to natural light during the day.

To make the bedroom darker and quieter, and / or to use a sleeping mask and earphones, to reduce distractions.

Choosing supportive mattresses and comfortable pillows and beds.

Finding the right recipe for sleep hygiene may involve some temptations and mistakes to find out what works for you. Starting with a sleep calculator and adding some healthy sleep tips are the right steps to get the sleep your mind and body need.